As a fourth generation Vermonter, and a person who has an absolute love for all things Vermont, it did not take long for Brad to return to his home State after graduating from the University of Colorado. Prior to joining the Dousevicz Real Estate team full time, Brad was employed as an award winning sales representative with Johnson and Johnson. Brad now is the managing broker and development manager for Dousevicz Real Estate. By developing over 350 homes in the area, with many more in the pipeline, Dousevicz Real Estate is one of Vermont’s most active and well known real estate development and construction firms.
Experience that can work for you
As a seller of countless properties, Brad has all too often witnessed buyers working with ill-experience brokers. Whether it is the sale of a $1 Million Luxury Lakefront Home, a $500,000 downtown Burlington Condo, or a $300,000 home in a new subdivision, working with the right buyer broker makes all the difference. Brad’s unique experience as a Builder/ Developer will offer a host of benefits to you and your family as you search for your dream home. His experience within the brokerage community is unparalleled, and he is sure to make your buying experience a pleasant one.
Brad has proven that a good natured, professional yet approachable focus to local real estate is a winning combination for all.
Community Involvement
Along with being a visible and respected land developer and construction firm in the Burlington area, Brad and Dousevicz Real Estate are actively involved in local community and trade organizations including; Make a wish of Vermont, The Visiting Nurse Association, and the University of Vermont.
Brad is also a proud board member with the local homebuilders organization- The Homebuilders and Remodelers Association of Northern Vermont (HBRA).
Brad serves on both the Development and Government Affairs Council’s with HBRA. Brad and Dousevicz Real Estate are members of the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors.
Brad and his wife, Emily, live in the Lake Champlain community of Colchester with their 3 children. He is an avid boater, and enjoys skiing, playing golf, and spending time with his family.